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Mel Branta

Performance Coach
Melissa Branta (BS Kinesiology, CPT)

About: Melissa Branta, also known as Mel/Mermaid Mel, is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mel thrives as an outdoor enthusiast. She has been a competitive athlete in Body Building, Adventure Racing, Mountain Biking and Ultra Trail Running. She adores her mini poodle, loves to paddleboard and is a Devoted Christian.

Experience: Mel has over 25 years of professional experience including Managerial positions in the Fitness and Hospitality Industry. She is a caring and committed personal trainer, in addition to coaching a variety of group exercise classes and leading outdoor adventure tours.

Personality: Driven, Creative and Energetic

Specialties: Functional and Integrative training for all ages and skill levels on land in and the Water. Assisted Table Stretching and Kinesio-Therapy techniques to help with muscle imbalances, injury prevention and structural challenges. Development of personalized programs for muscle strength, endurance and aerobic training.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from UW-Milwaukee, WI. ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Clinical Gait Specialist, Spin and AFAA Group Exercise, Emergency Medical Technician, Wilderness Medicine, CPR and First Aid.

Contact Mel
  Phone 602.791.6580